Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Facts bout MUA

Tagged by : Mr Ben aka Iguana AND Miss Catherine aka meow

Directions : Once you've been tagged, you have to write a post with sixteen random things, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose ten people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don't forget to leave a comment (''You're tagged!'') and to read your blog, you can't tag the person who tagged you.
  1. I love Celine Dion and Lee Ryan
  2. I'm afraid of exams (Literally, boot-shaking, knees knocking scared. It's my phobia)
  3. I don't really have a lot of confidence in myself (But it has improved with the help of certain good friends of mine [you know who you are])
  4. My ambition is to become a singer/performer
  5. As to 4, I play the piano and I finished practical and currently doing Grade 8 theory and sitting for exams in August (YIKES!)
  6. I don't really fancy shopping for clothes. (It was an improvement from last time)
  7. I absolutely love the arcade! Playing games (esp. Percussion Master, Daytona and Tekken) with the loud music (though a bit of a headache) and with friends. That is the best.
  8. When I was six, I loved the colour pink (as in Barbie Pink)
  9. I used to play with Barbie Dolls
  10. I've known at least 3 people from kindergarten that I can proudly say I still keep in contact with (Ken, Charisma and Christine)
  11. And one of them is my best friend
  12. I am part Portuguese and part Chinese
  13. I still play Neopets when I'm bored
  14. Loves writting stories based on real life experiences
  15. Would ask for opinions about myself to my friends and wouldn't want to believe when they compliment as (refer to no. 3)
  16. Treat my parents as my best friends and they know nearly everything about me.

I tag

Patrice - cause I am interested in getting some facts out of her

David - Cause he nevers replies tags

Zi Xin - cause she blogs a lot

Tiffany - It would be funny to see what secrets she hides

Sharon - same reason like David

Daniel - cause everyone else keeps tagging him

Geraldine - no particular reason

Ian - cause I'm curious about his replies

Andre - cause I'm running out of people to tag


Catherine Faith said...

i think i know who's that no 3 fello..
she's a gurl..rite?
and a really really sweet and kind wan..:-P lol
u PLAY NEOPETS??!!!XDDDD *burst out laughing..
ok..hmm..i like pink too..hehe..*high five..
but now i think i liked white and black more..kena jangkit from u d laa..:-P

Adele Emily said...

So what if i do. I get bored ok. and it is a good way to relieve stress. now more on facebook d. i am a very good role model, that's why u wanna copy me! XD

Anonymous said...

Adele, you STILL play Neopets? I thought that went "out of fashion" years ago... XDDDDD

Patrice making her first big announcement on your blog! XD

Anonymous said...

Oh btw...I've already done this tag LONG AGO...and I was the one who tagged my sayang who eventually tagged you, and you will eventually tag even more people... :)))))

Tiffany said...
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Tiffany said...

hey! didn't tell me you blog too!
linked ya! :)
oh! btw which Tiffany you were tagging? heh

Adele Emily said...

U la. who else? lol. YES I PLAY NEOPETS WHEN IM BORED. hahaha!