Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Funny Day

It started off with last night. I was on the phone with Prema and while talking to her, i was counting my medicine. And I realised that I have to take 7 types of medicine. The joy. So, I was fumbling with my nose spray and the cover fell. And this was what I said to Prem

Oh my gosh, my nose. (Literally, I stopped my sentence at the word nose.)

A bit blur after that.

Today, started off with music class. I found out that my teacher uses hairspray to keep her hair from falling into her eyes. So we started saying that it hurts the enviroment. Something about save the whales. And it ended with the statement, one of the students was a whale. And he heard from the piano room. haha. Next was CF at college. Well, as usual chit chat, kutuk people and all. They had a birthday cake for all December's babies Cool. Three quater CHEESE CREAM, i think, then a 2cm layer of cake below. HA! Well, I took two pieces, force fed by Joanne! The cream on my fingers were cleaned by Neil's face. Thanks!

After that, was psychology. Nothing eventful there though, so I'll skip to carolling at Paradise. Of all people to meet there, I saw NEIL, AGAIN! Haih, the horror. We were talking and the funniest thing was that my family members, everytime they approached where I was sitting, they asked why I'm not eating. So by the fifth or so, I told Neil that the next relative would ask the same question. GUESS WHAT! They did! Haha, coolness.

Well, off to carolling at the damn hot foyer. Before that, this funny conversation happened.

Noel (Neil's bro) : Eh, I wanna go to the tennis court
Neil : Why? Don't have basketball also

You can imagine my confusion. Apparently there was a ring for them to shoot in. Ah well. Anyways, off to do my dreaded assignment. ISH! Night guys!

*Due to the stupidness of the photo uploader, no pictures today. AWW!*

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