Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Days of my life

Well, yeah.. I haven't been blogging for a while because of the fact that I was swamped with camps the whole of last week. On Thursday till Friday (5-6 Feb 09), we (The post form five) stayed over in CHS for the 'Powered By The Spirit' which is a crash course of Life in the Spirit Seminar. So we had lots of PAW and praying. The morning on Thurs, we learnt about God the Father's love. We learnt how to forgive our dads in order to have a better relationship with God. Then, in the afternoon we had power nap which I used to talk to Helena. She advised me on a few stuff and help me through a few problems I was facing with my friends. That night, we had to carry out some skits. I was in group 2 which had to do the crucifix of Jesus. We made it funny (By adding a few noises and actions... Mostly the actors as I was merely narrator.) but in the end, of course we had to make it serious. My proudest moment was when I said "Jesus died for us on the cross. He took away the sins of the world so that we may enter the Kingdom of God. Like John 3:16 says,
For God so loved the world that he gave His only son that whoever that believes in Him will have eternal Life.
Well, our group was the last.

Up first was the Prodigal Son which were presented by group 3. They had American Lingo like : Yo, dad, give me yo cash, yo... and the father (acted by Ken) had only RM27 for the son's inheritance. The funniest was when the son returned, the father presented him with gifts like slippers (pink and small) for his bare feet, a cloak (a white girl sweater) for his back and a ring.

Next was group 1 with the rising of Lazarus. The funniest was Lazarus tapping his fingers, waiting for Jesus (Jacky) to raise him back. Jesus on the other hand acted like he was performing a magic show with his hands outstretched. The way he talked was superb. He couldn't get one sentence out without us audience laughing so hard.

After the skits, we had inner healing. We learnt to completely forgive everyone that hurt us. There to minister over us was David, Sharon, Aaron, Ah Fan, Helena and of course Andre. It was a tough night but it was worth it. I never felt my heart so light and filled with joy after that. I realised that because of that I was able to put my problems aside and listen to God and my own heart.

That night, the only frustrating thing was that the girls didn't want to sleep and well, pretty much got on my nerves seeing that I am a very light sleeper. But eventually, everything grew quiet and I drift off into much needed sleep.

The morning, we learnt about Jesus's Love. How he suffered to save our lives. How painful the torture was. But he still did it. For us. We praised Him and thanked him. After the talk, we sang 'Above All' and bowed and kneel in front of the crucifix to ask God the Son to forgive our sins and everything. The afternoon went pass and it was time to learn about the Holy Spirit. One thing that Andre said that kept inside me was, "There is no such thing as luck - it is a blessing"

That afternoon, I managed to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. It was something I will never forget.
The weekend, I was in Ipoh and this time Joan and Matthew didn't join us but instead was replaced by Greg. Throughout the whole time in Ipoh, we had loads of fun and talked to some old friends that we met so long ago (actually, only in dec) but it was great catching up with them. They managed to run the whole gathering almost single handedly. It was a proud moment for all of us. Well, it was pretty much the same things we went through and as usual slept at 4 something.

At 7.45 a.m., Miss Helena woke me up and I had to wake up the rest. As usual, Ken and Mark didn't want to wake up van dthe Ipoh youths that stayed over didn't move an inch. But in the end, we managed to get off the mattresses long enough for breakfast.

After that, we joined the meeting for PAG in St. Michael. We had a short intercessory with the internal team to boost their confidence through prayer. It was generally productive and we could see the youth coming out to pray without much hesistation, which was a good thing.

We skipped lunch and headed straight home. After we reached Penang, we had KFC which Helena generously paid for as a job well done. I was sent home first after that and from the car, I received a 'air kiss' from one of them. =) It was funny to see their reaction when I returned it.
Well, right now, today is Wednesday, 11.02.09 which I can happily say that I PASSED MY MOTORBIKE TEST! The night before, I had trouble sleeping so I called Dad to call me from Shanghai just to talk. Before that, I was reading the Bible which had become my solace from all my worries. I was just wondering if God could give me a sign as to whether my prayers were being answered and I ran across a Bible Verse. Mark 11:24 says "When you pray and ask for something, believe that you will receive it and you will be given whatever you ask for."

After that, I was calmed down and managed to fall asleep. That morning I was sms-ing William and Wil Sern with my nerves on a all time high. But they told me the same things, remember to take deep breaths, calm your nerves and relax. Thanks guys. I also have to say thanks to those that prayed for me the night before (Ken) and for being there when I announced my great news. It was a great day. I had never been so (in terms of David) euphoric. I couldn't stop smiling and I nearly cried. Thanks God, for everythig and for answering my prayers. I will declare to the whole world once again, "ALLELUIA, PRAISE THE LORD, AMEN!"

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